Taking the “long view” and staying out of the weeds has become a passion of mine. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes a visit to the weeds is a.) long overdue, b.) necessary for you to take a global, holistic and long-term view. After all, we’re focused on the result, not the granularity of the steps leading up to the result.
Alas, “life happens” and things jump in our path.
Always urgent stuff, too.
“I have to handle this one myself,” you say confidently.
Do you really?
You know we all like staying in our comfort zones doing stuff that we understand and are proficient at. It makes us feel good to accomplish cleaning up our e-mail or cutting the grass.
Important stuff — like figuring who our next big customer is going to be, is hard.
If we knew how to do it in the past, and haven’t had to visit that subject in a while, by nature, we get complacent, stale, stuck or stalled.
What should really concern you is when you’re spending most of your time on urgent stuff like putting out fires and not spending an equal amount of time growing your platform.
In the end, often times, there is some sort of underlying fear that gets exposed here. Fear of acceptance, fear of failure. You get the idea.
If it has been awhile since you danced with your fear, add some pizazz. I would encourage you to get out on the dance floor and try a step or 2 until it once again becomes rote.
The conversation is the relationship—changing our world by changing ourselves—what are you thinking?